

The Org Chart You Need, Whenever You Need It

About OrgChart

The OrgChart solution automates generation of organizational charts and helps to streamline workforce planning exercises. OrgChart has API integrations with over 50 HR Systems including Lever. OrgChart can aggregate data from both your core HR systems and Applicant Tracking Systems (such as Lever) to create org charts that include open requisitions. OrgChart provides real-time visibility into your organization by allowing you to customize your org charts to meet your exact business requirements. Export charts to formats including PPT and PDF, publish charts on your intranet, or invite co-workers to collaborate in planning exercises.

OrgChart features

Integrating your Lever data into OrgChart allows you to see your current employees and future new hires all in one easily accessible OrgChart. OrgChart has API integration with Lever which allows you to automatically include open reqs in your org charts. As requisitions are filled, changed or canceled, OrgChart will automatically update your charts so that they are never out of date. With OrgChart you can make better business decisions and eliminate all the manual effort associated with generating org charts.

Introducing OrgChart: The Chart You Need, Whenever You Need It

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